Celebrating 5 Years: Amazon Gift Card & E-book (s) Giveaway

On April 5th, 2014 I took a chance. I published my first book, Taking Lance. Taking Lance was written in fun and was never meant to see the light of day. That changed when my best friend in the world encouraged me to publish it. I’d been writing for years but never showed my stories to anybody until that one. I’ll forever credit her for every book I publish. Without her encouragement and constructive criticism my books would still be hiding away somewhere on my laptop.

The Taking Lance series is bi-erotica that turns into a romance later, not just for the main couple (Rick and Lance) but for others as well. Since that was published, I’ve mostly written gay romance and erotica, with one M/F e-book of two short stories published early on. I now save my M/F books for other pen names, though I admit that I haven’t written one in awhile.

The Taking Lance series was completed in July of 2018 when I published Finding Alex. I miss those guys but now I can focus on other stories and series.

I have two official series going on – College Encounters and Willy the Kinky Elf & His Bad-Ass Reindeer. Only one College Encounters book has been published to date but there are several in the works. As for Willy the Kinky Elf, I’m writing #6 now, to be published on November 1st. The plan is to officially end that series in November of 2020 unless something major happens before then. I don’t want to carry a series past its expiration date, as I’ve said in the past. As much as I love Willy and the gang, I really can’t see me taking it beyond 2020 when the plan is to give Santa Claus his own book and tie off some loose ends.

One thing that hasn’t changed in five years is that I still suck on social media and with self-promo, though I’m always available to talk to readers. Just because I’m a little shy doesn’t mean that you need to be. 😉

I read every single review I see of my books and I appreciate them all, even those when the readers don’t like my books. I don’t love every book I read (as I’ve said many times before) so I damn sure don’t expect everybody to like mine. A 1-star review helped me early on when a reader hated the first Willy the Kinky Elf book. Instead of pushing people away from it, that review had some wanting to know what was so painfully bad about it. Every time I publish another story in that world I’m grateful for that review and rating. A bad review won’t bother me unless it describes things that don’t actually happen in the book or if I’m being attacked personally. Otherwise, I’m thrilled knowing that people are reading my books and letting people know their thoughts on them – good or bad.

To celebrate my five years and the most amazing fans ever, I’m giving away a $25 Amazon gift card, the complete Taking Lance series (in one e-book), and the entire Willy the Kinky Elf series (including upcoming book #6 when it’s available – if you look real close on the Willy the Kinky Elf page you might see the tentative title that I’ve not officially announced yet ) via Rafflecopter. I’ve used Rafflecopter before but not as an author so bear with me. 😉 There are lots of ways to enter so check it out and share it if you know others who might be interested in the giveaway. If you have any problems shoot me a message and I’ll see what I can do to fix it.

When I published Taking Lance I honestly thought I’d sell maybe 5 books – total – and that those 5 would be my best friend and her family (who I’m sending the evil eye to because they KNOW they never have to pay for my books). 🙂 Imagine my surprise when the book did quite well, giving me the push I needed to keep going and to publish others.

Thank you to every single person who has read one of my books. Without you, I wouldn’t be doing what I love. I appreciate every single one of you.

Here’s to my first 5 years and hopefully many, many more.

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway!



a Rafflecopter giveaway

P.S. To those new to my site, I like to look at nice things (as Willy the elf would say) so expect to see nice visuals in almost every single thing I publish on here, regardless of what the post is about. Some may be NSFW or close to it. I’m an equal opportunity perv so expect a little bit of everything. You can check out my SEXY PICS page to get an idea of what I’m talking about.

And I like red. A lot.


Upcoming Amazon Gift Card & E-Book (s) Giveaway

On Friday, April 5th I’ll be celebrating the 5th anniversary of publishing my first book, Taking Lance. To celebrate, I’ll be giving away a $25.00 Amazon gift card, Taking Lance (the Complete Series), and the Willy the Kinky Elf series (including upcoming book #6 when available).


a Rafflecopter giveaway

The giveaway will start on April 5th and end on April 20th. There will be several ways to enter via Rafflecopter so stay tuned!

Note that the Taking Lance Series is bi-erotica/romance. All characters have sex on-page with others (both male and female for Rick, who is bisexual) before they find their HEA with who they’re meant to be with. If this is something the winner isn’t interested in, they’ll have the choice of another e-book from my catalog.

See y’all Friday,


Here We Go Again

I’ve blogged in the past about my website issues.

In 2016 I switched over from a Blogger site to WordPress when the CandiKay.com domain became available. I was familiar with WP because of work I’d done for other sites leading up to my changing over. It was a bit of a challenge at first – I’d never created my own site outside of Blogger before – but I was happy with the finished product.

In the past almost 3 years I have had one issue after another. As in, issues so bad I’ve had to rebuild my website from the ground up several times. 2 days before Christmas nobody could reach my site because of the HTTP Error 500 message. I contacted GoDaddy (who I host through) and it was fixed in a matter of minutes.

Again… 2 days before Christmas. You know, right after I published Dylan the Bad Boy Reindeer & His Virtuous Mate – a Christmas story.

Fast forward to a few days ago.

I couldn’t access my site. Once again I was seeing the Error 500 message. I couldn’t even access my site’s dashboard via GoDaddy. I contacted GoDaddy and was told that I was out of luck unless I wanted to pay them to disable one plugin. I wasn’t even told WHAT plugin, just that they were fairly certain they knew what caused the issue but they couldn’t tell me anything until I paid $50 or $80.

I’d have no problem paying to get my site back. Had they stopped with the $50 or $80 it would’ve been okay. They didn’t. Each person I spoke with on the first day – I spoke with 2 – threw out all these other services that they insisted I would need to pay for to possibly get my site fixed. This was after I was told it was likely just a plugin that simply needed to be disabled – something they could’ve done with a click of a mouse on their end.

In other words, my site was being held hostage… again. Long story short, I was able to get back up and running and I did manage to back up my content – no thanks to GoDaddy.

I finally deduced (again, no thanks to GoDaddy) that the issue was with the email subscriber plugin. That’s what I believe caused the problem back in December. I have since deleted that one and started all over again with a new service. I wish I would have done this forever ago.

I think it’s safe to say that when my hosting comes up for renewal again it will be with somebody else. My best friend sent me a link to a new service that looks fantastic. I’m counting down the days until I can transfer. I’d do it now but then I risk losing what I paid for months in advance with GoDaddy.

I was told it was my fault. When I asked them why – right before each crash – there was a ‘down for scheduled maintenance’ message on the site they couldn’t answer. FYI… the ‘down for scheduled maintenance’ happened daily on my site, sometimes several times in a 24 hour period. If I couldn’t access it I’m assuming others couldn’t either.

I should also note that the same exact issue occurred last year with a site I was using for a pen name. I was never on there (I suck at posting here. Can you imagine me trying to do it on another site?) so I just did away with it completely and turned that WP site into Reindeer Secrets.

That’s the end of my rant. Thankfully, unlike 2 days before Christmas, I wasn’t in the process of promoting a book when it happened this time.

As you can see the site is a little different. It has pretty much the same things it had before minus a couple of pages that I felt weren’t needed anymore. In the coming days and/or weeks all my previous posts will be transferred over and I should be as good as new, or hopefully better.

I’m also trying to shrink the HUGE Candi Kay logo on the top. No matter how many times I change the size it reverts back. Hopefully I can get it back to normal soon enough.

So now I cross my fingers that I caught the problem and have eliminated it. If it happens again, I’ll probably throw my hands up. 😉

Until next time,

Candi Kay

P.S. If you were subscribed to my email alerts you’ve been resubscribed. You may get welcome emails as if you just subscribed. If so, disregard. It won’t allow me to just transfer the names and emails over without doing the ‘welcome’ stuff all over again – only this time hopefully more cleaner and professional looking. 🙂